Q: Are shipping costs included in the stated prices?
A: Our Standard Shipping is complimentary for all customers. If you choose Express Shipping, we charge $19 or more depends on your location. You will receive more information about shipping here.
Q: Which company will ship my order?
A: We deliver worldwide with well-known transport service providers to offer you the best service. Depending on the selected shipping method and the delivery address, shipping is carried out by DHL, DHL-Express and occasionally also by TNT or USPS.
The terms and conditions can be found on the website of the respective shipping service provider.
For more information, please check our Shipping Information.
Q: How long does it take to deliver my order?
A: Your order usually leaves our company within 48 hours of receipt of the order. For detailed information on delivery times, please check our Shipping Information.
Q: Can I track my order?
A: As soon as your order has left our warehouse, we will send you a shipping confirmation. This includes a parcel tracking number that enables you to track the shipment.
If you mistakenly do not receive an email with a parcel tracking number, please check your spam folder first.
Then you are welcome to use our Customer Service with the order number.
Q: Can I change my delivery address?
A: If you want to change your delivery address, please contact our as soon as possible Customer Service with the order number.
Please note that we cannot make any changes to orders that have already been shipped.
Q: Can I order corporate gifts on the website?
A: For corporate gifts, please email us at info@imzillionaire.com. We will gladly assist you with the order.
Q: Can I place a wholesale order?
A: For wholesale orders, please email us at info@imzillionaire.com. We will gladly assist you with the order.
Q: Will my personal information be kept confidential?
A: We treat all information that you give us personally and confidentially.
All your details will be treated securely in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act.
For more information, please check our Privacy Policy.
Q: How can I unsubscribe from the newsletter?
A: At the bottom of each newsletter you have the option to unsubscribe from the ZILLIONAIRE newsletter.
Please note that if you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive information about promotions and discounts that are exclusive to our newsletter subscribers.
Q: Can my order also be gift wrapped?
A: ZILLIONAIRE is proud to offer complimentary and eco-friendly gift boxing. ZILLIONAIRE packaging include a Presentation Box, Dust Bag, Certificate and are suitable for gift giving without additional wrapping.
Q: Do you have any special offers, coupons or discounts?
A: Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest trends, coupons and exclusive offers.
Q: How can I contact your marketing team for press inquiries and collaborations?
A: To get in touch with our marketing department, please email us at info@imzillionaire.com. We will make sure our team member reverts to you.