6 Tips For Extending Your Case’s Life

6 Tips For Extending Your Case’s Life

5 – min read | 14 Jan, 2022

If you’re the proud owner of a genuine leather phone case, you want it to last as long as possible. While leather is extremely durable, it’s also a natural material that’s susceptible to wear and tear. Fortunately, like a fine wine, leather gains character over time.

If you’re the proud owner of a genuine leather phone case, you want it to last as long as possible. While leather is extremely durable, it’s also a natural material that’s susceptible to wear and tear. Fortunately, like a fine wine, leather gains character over time.

Taking simple steps to care for your leather case won’t compromise its unique patina. In fact, proper care will enhance the aesthetic qualities that make leather so desirable. Follow these easy tips to keep your phone case in top condition now and for many years to come.

1. Basic Cleaning

Over time, it’s normal for dirt, dust, grease, and grime to build up on leather, especially if it’s handled regularly. Cleaning your genuine leather phone case is a quick and easy process. You should give your case a once-over every few weeks, or whenever you notice stains. A simple wipe down with a barely-damp, clean cloth is usually all you need.

It’s best to avoid using soap, as many soaps can leave a harmful residue. Although not recommended, if you need something more powerful than water, you can use a very mild soap or clothes detergent. Mix one part soap to eight parts water in a spray bottle.

Spray your mixture onto a sponge or cloth (microfiber is ideal), and then wipe down the case gently going with the leather grain. Don’t spray the case directly, as you may oversaturate the leather. Less is more. Allow your genuine leather phone case to air dry naturally — don’t apply heat, and keep it out of direct sunlight.

Note: Our Ostrich and Python leathers should not be cleaned in this manner as the leather may be damaged.

2. Conditioning*

Without proper maintenance, leather can dry out over time, which may cause shrinking or cracking in severe circumstances. You should condition your leather every three to four months (or more frequently if you live in an arid climate). You can use a leather conditioner, but many leather enthusiasts prefer beeswax or mink oil.

3. Waterproofing*

While it’s unlikely that you’re going to be exposing your phone to wet environments, you never know when you might get caught in the rain. If a genuine leather phone case gets wet, the natural oils can rise to the surface and then eventually evaporate, causing the leather to lose its soft, supple feel.

There are waterproofing waxes and sprays on the market designed specifically to combat this common problem. While this step isn’t usually necessary, if you invested in a quality case, it simply makes sense to take precautionary steps to preserve it. Waterproofing products are affordable, and they can make a big difference, especially if you live in a wet climate.

4. Proper Storage

Because you’re going to be using your phone regularly, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about proper storage. At the same time, you should still know how to properly store your genuine leather phone case, just in case.

Leather is a natural substance that needs to “breathe” to maintain its look and feel. If you plan on storing your case for a prolonged period of time, never put it in an airtight container, as the buildup of moisture may cause discoloration and/or mildew. Additionally, you should keep your case out of direct sunlight and away from heat so it doesn’t dry out and become brittle.

Leather is very durable, so don’t stress out too much over storage. If you’re going to be storing it for a long time, wrap it in a pillowcase or some other sort of breathable cloth.

5. Polishing

You’ve probably heard of polishing leather shoes — you can do the same to your genuine leather phone case. However, it’s important to note that polishing your case usually does get rid of the patina that comes naturally with age. It’s up to you whether you prefer the fresh, like-new look of a polished case or the well-worn and loved look of a non-polished case.

If you’re the type of person who loves customizing their gear, polishing your case can be a fun way to slightly alter the leather’s color. For example, if you have a light brown case, polishing it with dark brown polish could give it a deeper, darker appearance.

6. Avoiding Stains

Because leather is porous, it can absorb stains fairly easily. One of the most effective ways to keep your genuine leather phone case in great condition is to simply be mindful of where you put it. For example, if you’re eating dinner, you may want to keep your phone off the table. Be aware of your surroundings, and if your case gets dirty, clean it quickly before the stain absorbs.

Shop ZILLIONAIRE Leather Cases Now

Proper maintenance will extend the life of your case, but it won’t do any good if the quality isn’t already there right from the start. Our cases are made to withstand daily use whether you’re at the office or traveling the world. If you’re the type of person who appreciates the finer things in life, a genuine leather phone case is an accessory you’ll be thrilled to use day after day and year after year.

* Although standard practices, the leather conditioning and waterproofing methods described have not been tested on ZILLIONAIRE products.

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